💡 Pro tip: Include your industry, target audience, or unique value proposition for more relevant domain suggestions.

Generated Domain Names

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Smart Domain Suggestions Powered by AI

Finding the perfect domain name shouldn not be a challenge. Our AI-powered generator analyzes your business description and creates a tailored list of domain suggestions, each scored for brandability, memorability, and market appeal. Each suggestion comes with a detailed analysis explaining why it would work for your business, helping you make an informed decision.

Smart Domain Suggestions Powered by AI
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Instant Availability Check & Registration

Stop jumping between different websites to check domain availability. Our tool instantly verifies the availability of each suggested domain and provides smart alternatives if your preferred choice is taken. With one-click registration through trusted domain registrars, securing your perfect domain name has never been easier.

Instant Availability Check & Registration

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API Integration

Integrate Domain Name Generator into your applications or automation workflows.


GET https://promoterkit.com/api/v1/domain-tools/generate-domain-names?business_description={business_description}&number_of_domains={number_of_domains}&category={category}




Parameter Required
business_description Yes
number_of_domains Yes
category Yes

Frequently Asked Questions

Our AI Domain Name Generator analyzes your business description and preferences to create relevant, brandable domain suggestions. It uses advanced algorithms to evaluate each name for brandability, memorability, and market appeal, providing you with detailed scoring and analysis.
Yes, our Domain Name Generator is completely free to use. You only pay if you decide to register a domain name through one of our partner registrars at their standard registration rates.
The generator can create various types of domain names including brandable names, keyword-focused domains, and industry-specific suggestions. You can specify your preference when using the tool to get more targeted results.
Our domain availability checker provides real-time results by connecting directly with domain registries. While highly accurate, we recommend proceeding with registration quickly as domain availability can change rapidly.
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