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Collection of Winning Subject Lines

Our subject lines database offers a vast collection of over 100 expertly crafted and tested email subject lines, ensuring you have a diverse range of options to choose from for your campaigns. Each subject line is accompanied by a score out of 100, providing you with valuable insights into its potential effectiveness.

Collection of Winning Subject Lines
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Regularly Updated

We understand the importance of staying ahead in the ever-evolving email marketing landscape. That's why our subject lines database is regularly updated with fresh and relevant content, keeping you equipped with the latest trends and best practices for crafting attention-grabbing subject lines.

Regularly Updated

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Subject Line Database provides a vast collection of tested and successfull subject lines where you can choose the one that fits your email the most and use its corresponding template by copying it using the action button.
We try to update it monthyly with 1-5 new subject lines.
For each subject line in the database, you will find the subject line itself, a score out of 100 indicating its potential effectiveness, the template you can use, and the category it falls under.
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