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Overall Score
Analyzed Subject line:

Length Analysis
Scannability Score
Sentiment Analysis
Preview Text Suggestions
Spam Analysis
Capitalization Analysis
Emoji Suggestions

Alternative Suggestions

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Detailed Subject Line Analysis

Our subject line grader provides an in-depth analysis of your email subject lines, evaluating factors such as effectiveness, scannability, sentiment, spam triggers, and the use of all-caps words and emojis. Get actionable insights to craft compelling subject lines that grab attention and drive open rates.

Detailed Subject Line Analysis
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AI-Powered Optimization

Leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, our tool offers data-driven recommendations and alternative subject line suggestions to help you optimize for better engagement and conversions.

AI-Powered Optimization

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API Integration

Integrate Subject Line Grader into your applications or automation workflows.


GET https://promoterkit.com/api/v1/email-tools/analyze-subject-line?subject_line={subject_line}&email_type={email_type}&is_series={is_series}&is_followup={is_followup}&is_time_sensitive={is_time_sensitive}




Parameter Required
subject_line Yes
email_type Yes
is_series Yes
is_followup Yes
is_time_sensitive Yes

Frequently Asked Questions

The Subject Line Grader Tool takes a subject line as input and returns a detailed analysis, including ways to improve it, identifying problems, rating it, and offering better subject line recommendations.
The subject line grader evaluates various aspects of your email subject line, including effectiveness, scannability, sentiment analysis, spam triggers, use of all-caps words and emojis, and provides alternative subject line suggestions.
Our tool leverages natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze your subject line and provide data-driven recommendations and alternative suggestions to help you optimize for better engagement and conversions.
Evaluating the effectiveness of your subject line helps you understand how compelling and attention-grabbing it is, which can directly impact your email open rates and overall engagement.
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