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Effortless Keyword Research

Start by entering your desired keyword and selecting your target country. Sort your results by CPC, search volume, or difficulty, and choose the number of keywords you want to generate.

Effortless Keyword Research
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AI-Driven Insights

Once you've generated your keywords, our AI chatbot appears to offer personalized SEO tips and data-driven strategies based on your keywords. You can select and export your keywords, complete with data on search volume, CPC, SEO difficulty, and paid competitors.

AI-Driven Insights

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API Integration

Integrate Keyword Research into your applications or automation workflows.


GET https://promoterkit.com/api/v1/seo-tools/get-related-keywords?query={query}&country_code={country_code}&page_size={page_size}




Parameter Required
query Yes
country_code Yes
page_size Yes

Frequently Asked Questions

Our keyword metrics are derived from comprehensive, real-time data sources to ensure high accuracy. We continuously update our databases and refine our algorithms to provide the most reliable and current information available.
Our keyword data is updated regularly, with updates occurring at least once every month. This ensures that you are working with the most current data, reflecting the latest trends and changes in search engine algorithms.
Yes, you can easily export your generated keyword list. Our tool allows you to select and export keywords along with their associated metrics such as search volume, CPC, SEO difficulty, and paid competitors, in formats like CSV or Excel for further analysis or reporting.
Going Pro offers several key advantages, including access to 500 tokens per day, API access for integration into your own applications, an ad-free experience, and the ability to cancel at any time.
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