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Comprehensive Channel Search

Our Channel Search tool scours YouTube to find channels that are relevant to your target keyword or niche. Get a comprehensive list of channels that cover the topic you're interested in, making it easier to analyze your competition, find new influencers, or simply expand your knowledge.

Comprehensive Channel Search
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Actionable Insights

With the list of relevant channels at your fingertips, you can dive into their content, analyze their strategies, and gain valuable insights to inform your own YouTube efforts. Whether you're looking to improve your content, grow your audience, or simply stay up-to-date with industry trends, our Channel Search tool provides the data you need.

Actionable Insights

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API Integration

Integrate YouTube Channel Search into your applications or automation workflows.


GET https://promoterkit.com/api/v1/youtube-tools/find-channels?min_subscribers={min_subscribers}&limit={limit}&query={query}&ai_tags={ai_tags}




Parameter Required
min_subscribers Yes
limit Yes
query No
ai_tags No

Frequently Asked Questions

The Channel Search tool fetches YouTube channels in the same niche as the target keyword of your choice. This helps you analyze competitors, find new influencers, or expand your knowledge of a particular topic.
By analyzing the channels found, you can gain insights into your competitors' channels and what type of content they're getting the most audience engagement from. This information can help you improve your own content and tailor it for better results.
You can specify the maximum number of channels you want to fetch, allowing you to control the scope of your search between 10 and 50 channels.
Use keywords that are relevant to the niche or topic you are interested in. This will help the tool generate the results you're looking for.
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